在下载安装好MindManager, GyroQ, ResultsManager后,按照 http://www.activityowner.com的方案,安装它那儿为GyroQ提供的MindReader扩展。
看了一下,选择了他的 AO-Pack 方式安装。
这儿是 AO-Pack快速安装指导
- 准备GyroQ
- 按照提示,将从 Gyroinx 下载的 V1.9.4.9 的GyroQ 卸载掉,然后下载 AO-Pack 这儿准备的 版本重新安装上。先不运行GyroQ
- 运行GyroQ,按options按钮,将”use extended tags”勾上
- 按Send Quene按钮,清空GyroQ中队列数据
- 退出GyroQ
- 安装ao-pack
- 下载 ao-pack.zip 文件,将里面的内容解压释放到 My Documents\My Maps 目录下,中间有提示覆盖文件,选择了覆盖。
- 用MindManager打开My Maps目录下的mindreader.mmap文件,修改Customicons中关于 rmproject和rmresult的注释以及options中关于gyroqpath和resultsmanagerpath的注释(主要是修正路径,目录的是c:\Program…的,修改为自己的安装路径)
- 用文本编辑器打开My Maps目录下的MindReaderNLP.mmbas文件,修改路径,将c:\Program…的路径修改为自己的安装路径
- 测试
- 运行GyroQ,按Ctr+Q激活窗口,输入 “o mrsample” 看到打开了测试用的 map 图
Popularity: 4% [?]
July 30, 2008 | Filed Under Productivity | 2 Comments
GTD是《Getting Things Done》,主要是对个人工作效率提升一些的建议指导原则,有一些关于GTD的论坛博客等资源,列在这儿。
- www.activityowner.com
- http://www.listible.com/list/gtd-software
- http://lishugo.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!136DF427196CF9B8!153.entry
以脑图软件MindManager为中心,推广通过为插件 GyroQ 和 ResultsManager 添加辅助性拓展Tag集 MindReader 来达到日常GTD的应用。 他里面的一些资源列表
看了以上网站的一些介绍,准备采用 www.activityowner.com介绍的采用 MindManager 脑图软件做为基础,然后添加上GyroQ, ResultsManager插件,并安装好AO-Pack(包括 MindReader,Mark and Log Tasks Done等activityowner提供的工具集)做自己的GTD中心,并额外添加
theRealizer插件做自己考虑问题时的头脑风暴分析记录,同时候选 JCVGannt 插件做时间安排的甘特图输出。
Popularity: 4% [?]
July 29, 2008 | Filed Under Productivity | Comments Off
英文的有 eyeQ, Rapid Reader, speed your read, The Reader Edge 等 这儿有一个各种软件特性功能的对比 http://speed-reading-software-review.toptenreviews.com/
尝试了一下 eyeQ, 按照他的demo做了一下练习,发现第一次训练竟然能够提升100%的读书速度(应该是和我阅读速度太慢有关系吧),不过紧接在后面的提升成效比较少。他分为两种练习,一个是阅读速度的训练,还有一个就是在阅读速度提升后对理解力的训练,主要是做很多类似考试中阅读理解的题目,根据文章的总单词数和你对问题回答错误数来计算综合的阅读速度。
其中好一些软件找不到下载版,只能在线试用一下。不过英文的eyeQ在 verycd 有下载。
中文的有 eyeQ快速训练系统,精英特(Jint)全脑速读记忆训练网快速阅读软件 等,采用的方式和英文的类似,有些中文的专家做的针对中文的训练。
这儿还有一个免费的网站 http://www.5isudu.cn 可以进行前面一些软件所采用的方式的训练。
计划先每天使用英文的eyeQ训练2分钟,再使用英文的Reader’s Edge训练15分钟。要是连续坚持一个月下来,应该会有效果吧。
Popularity: 4% [?]
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查看可以linux 通过 samba 方式读取win共享的文件夹,于是立马做测试。
然后在linux 上执行
mount -t smbfs -o username=test,password=test // /var/www/testsite
在linux 下 ls -l 看一下目录下文件权限,发现都是 root 所有,其他只有读的权限。在linux下通过
chmod 777 -R * 和 chown www.www -R * 命令执行修改操作,都失败。
于是查 samba服务的帮助,发现有samba挂载还有 uid, gid, rw, fmask, dmask 等参数,于是根据参数将mout命令重写。
umount /var/www/testsite
mount -t smbfs -o rw,fmask=775,dmask=777,uid=www,gid=www,username=test,password=test // /var/www/testsite
再使用 ls -l 查看 /var/www/testsite 目录下文件权限,发现宿主和目录读写权限正常。
Popularity: 4% [?]
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1.被动方式: 在客户端请求文件后,服务器告诉客户端服务器的数据端口,让客户端主动来连接取数据。
2.主动方式: 在客户端请求文件后,服务器主动往客户端连接,将数据传到客户端。
Popularity: 4% [?]
原文地址: http://www.csdn.cc/article/2008/0518/article_592.html
Last updated :2008.04.02
工具名称 | 语言 | 费用 | 描述 | 日期 |
ASTRÉE | C | 联系 | undefined code constructs or run-time errors, e.g., out-of-bounds array indexing or arithmetic overflow. | 1 Mar 2007 |
BOON | C | 免费 | integer range analysis determines if an array can be indexed outside its bounds | 15 Feb 2005 |
C Code Analyzer | C | 免费 | out-of-bounds array indexing or arithmetic overflow. aims for no false positives | 20 Apr 2006 |
C++test | C++ | Parasoft | “defects, poor constructs, potentially malicious code and other elements” | 4 Apr 2006 |
.TEST | C#, VB.NET, MC++ | |||
Jtest | Java | |||
WebKing | HTML | |||
CodeAssure | C, C++, Java | Secure Software | unvalidated input, cryptographic problems, missed exceptions, etc. | 2005 |
CodeCenter | C | CenterLine Systems | incorrect pointer values, illegal array indices, bad function arguments, type mismatches, and uninitialized variables | 28 Oct 2005 |
CodeScan | .ASP PHP | CodeScan Labs | … security holes and source code issues … | 10 Oct 2006 |
CodeSonar | C, C++ | GrammaTech | null-pointer dereferences, divide-by-zeros, buffer over- and underruns | 21 Mar 2005 |
CQual | C | 免费 | uses type qualifiers to perform a taint analysis, which detects format string vulnerabilities | 15 Feb 2005 |
Csur | C | 免费 | cryptographic protocol-related vulnerabilities | 10 Apr 2006 |
DevInspect | C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, VB Script | SPI Dynamics | application vulnerabilities | 21 Dec 2004 |
DevPartner SecurityChecker | C#, Visual Basic | Compuware | known and potential security vulnerabilities | 10 Oct 2006 |
Eau Claire | C | 未知 | array bounds errors, null pointer dereferences, string functions | 15 Feb 2005 |
Flawfinder | C/C++ | 免费 | uses of risky functions, buffer overflow (strcpy()), format string ([v][f]printf()), race conditions (access(), chown(), and mktemp()), shell metacharacters (exec()), and poor random numbers (random()). | 2005 |
Fluid | Java | 联系 | “analysis based verification” for attributes such as race conditions, thread policy, and object access with no false negatives | 28 Oct 2005 |
ITS4 | C, C++ | 免费 | potentially dangerous function calls, with risk analysis of some | 11 Feb 2005 |
Jlint | Java | 免费 | bugs, inconsistencies and synchronization problems | 3 Feb 2006 |
K7 | C, C++, and Java | Klocwork | Access problems, buffer overflow, injection flaws, insecure storage, unvalidated input, etc. | 6 July 2005 |
LAPSE | Java | 免费 | helps audit Java J2EE applications for common types of security vulnerabilities found in Web applications. | 19 Sep 2006 |
MILK | Java | 免费 | Milk is a security source code assessment tool using Orizon as API. Milk scans java and .NET source file in order to perform a security code review trying to point out safe coding best practices misuse. | 19 Sep 2006 |
PHP-Sat | PHP | 免费 | static analysis tool, XSS, etc. description (http://ericbouwers.blogspot.com/) | 18 Sep 2006 |
PMD | Java | 免费 | questionable constructs, dead code, duplicate code | 3 Feb 2006 |
PolySpace | Ada, C, C++ | PolySpace Technologies | run-time errors, unreachable code | 25 Feb 2005 |
PREfix and PREfast | C, C++ | Microsoft proprietary | 10 Feb 2006 | |
Prevent | C, C++ | Coverity | flaws and security vulnerabilities – reduces false positives while minimizing the likelihood of false negatives. | 11 Mar 2005 |
Prexis | C, C++, Java, JSP, J2EE, STRUTS, “and more” | Ounce Labs | coding errors, design flaws, and policy violations | 7 Dec 2005 |
QA-C, QA-C++, QA-J, QA-FORTRAN, QA-High-Integrity C |
C, C++, Java, FORTRAN | Programming Research | out-of-bounds array indexing | 10 Dec 2004 |
RATS | C | 免费 | potential security risks | 2005 |
Resource Standard Metrics | C, C++, C#, and Java | M Squared Technologies | Scan for 50 readability or portability problems or questionable constructs, e.g. different number of “new” and “delete” key words or an assignment operator (=) in a conditional (if). | 10 Dec 2004 |
Smatch | C | 免费 | simple scripts look for problems in simplified representation of code. primarily for Linux kernel code | 20 Apr 2006 |
SoftCheck Inspector | Java | SofCheck | creates assertions for each module, tries to prove the system obeys assertions and the absence of runtime errors. | 8 Jun 2006 |
SCA | ASP.NET, C, C++, C# and other .NET languages, Java, JSP, PL/SQL, T-SQL, VB.NET, XML | Fortify Software | security vulnerabilities, tainted data flow, etc. | 21 Apr 2006 |
SCARE | C, maybe any lanuage | 免费 | The Source Code Analysis Risk Evaluation project is a study to create a security complexity metric that will analyze source code and provide a realistic and factual representation of the potential of that source code to create a problematic binary. | 10 Dec 2007 |
Skavenger | php, but also used for any kind of source code file; | 免费 | Skavenger is a source code auditing tool written in php, works in the same way as egrep/sed with the possibility to parse more files at one run, or even an entire directory. Also can take a series of regular expressions from a file which to use simultaneously on the targeted file. | 15 Dec 2007 |
SPARK tool set | SPARK (Ada subset) | Praxis | ambiguous constructs, data- and information-flow errors, any property expressible in first-order logic (Examiner, Simplifier, and SPADE) | 29 Aug 2006 |
Splint | C | 免费 | security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. with annotations, it performs stronger checks | 2005 |
UNO | C | 免费 | uninitialized variables, null-pointers, and out-of-bounds array indexing and “allows for the specification and checking of a broad range of user-defined properties”. aims for a very low false alarm rate. | 3 Feb 2006 |
Viva64< | C++ | Viva64 | finds problems in porting to 64-bit architecture, e.g. out-of-bounds indexing or arithmetic overflow. | 07 Feb 2007 |
xg++ | C | 未知 | kernel and device driver vulnerabilities in Linux and OpenBSD through range checking (http://www.stanford.edu/~engler/sp-ieee-02.pdf), etc. | 15 Feb 2005 |
orizon | Java | 免费 | Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document. | 07 May 2007 |
Pixy | Php | 免费(Free) | Pixy is a Java program that performs automatic scans of PHP 4 source code, aimed at the detection of XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities. | 27 June 2007 |
- http://www.vanheusden.com/Linux/audit.html
- http://www.ouncelabs.com/resources/code-audit-faq.asp
- http://www.securityforest.com/wiki/index.php/Category:Source_Code_Scanners
- http://samate.nist.gov/index.php/Source_Code_Security_Analyzers
Popularity: 6% [?]
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1. 本地可以访问外部的资源,但是外部访问不了本机资源。
2. 查看事件日志,发现ISA服务开启不了,禁用ISA服务问题依旧。
3. 在带网络的安全模式下,本机可以访问外部资源,外部也可以访问本机资源。
注: 我装的是ISA2004版的,不知道是否有兄弟有碰到类似于我这样的遭遇。
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在linux 中时不时的要临时cd到另外目录中,然后要再回到cd前所在的目录时就很麻烦了,一般都是cd /然后按n个tab做选择。
今天在看别人的 sh 脚本时发现一个很好用的系统变量 $OLDPWD ,
cd /var/data
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到 http://ps2dev.org/ 下载制作工具链的工具 psptoolchain-20070626.tar.bz2。
wget http://ps2dev.org/psp/Tools/Toolchain/psptoolchain-20070626.tar.bz2.download
tar -xjvf psptoolchain-20070626.tar.bz2
cd psptoolchain
cat readme.txt
然后在修改登陆脚本 ~/.bashrc 在后面添加
export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin
cd psptoolchain
经过漫长等待,编译完成。编译后的结果路径在 /usr/local/pspdev 下,为了节约编译的时间,可以先手工下载一些文件到 build 目录下。
build/binutils-2.16.1.tar.bz2 build/gdb-6.4.tar.bz2 build/newlib-1.15.0.tar.gz build/gcc-4.1.0.tar.bz2 build/insight-6.4.tar.bz2
Popularity: 4% [?]
- ISO文件加载
mount -t iso9660 -o loop xxx.iso /path
- 从光盘制作ISO文件
cp /dev/cdrom xxx.iso
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/root/xxx.iso
- 从文件目录制作ISO文件
cp -r /path xxx.iso
mkisofs -o name.iso /path
mkisofs -o name.iso -r /path
mkisofs -a -l -J -L -r -o xxx.iso /path
将xxx.iso文件加载到 /path 目录下
Popularity: 4% [?]